1007 Victoria Street Townhomes
The 1.57-acre project site is located at 1007 East Victoria Street in the City of Carson and is currently undeveloped.
The proposed project involves construction of 38 multi-family housing (low-rise) dwelling units. The project proposes to provide a new full access driveway at Cedarbluff Way on the east project boundary. A portion of the existing raised median on Cedarbluff Way would be modified to accommodate a northbound left turn lane for inbound access. The existing raised median containing the security booth for the adjacent neighborhood would be extended south to the north side of the proposed project site driveway and the existing project site driveway at Cedarbluff Way would be abandoned. The project site is designated High Density Residential (up to 25 dwelling units per acre) in the City of Carson General Plan Land Use Element and the Zoning is Specific Plan 4 (Dominguez Hills Village). Ganddini Group prepared a trip generation analysis for the project.