Shasta Lake 2040 General Plan Update
The City of Shasta Lake is located in the northern extent of the Sacramento Valley in Shasta County, California. The Shasta Lake 2040 General Plan Update is a comprehensive update of the existing General Plan and is intended to guide investment, development, and conservation in the City of Shasta Lake through 2040; buildout forecasts are estimated to result in the development of approximately 837 additional residential dwelling units and 706 additional employees.
Ganddini Group prepared technical studies for the General Plan Update in support of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance. Specifically, Ganddini Group prepared a traffic/Level of Service (LOS) analysis consisting of 19 study intersections and 48 roadway segments, a vehicle miles traveled (VMT) impact analysis, and a noise impact analysis. The EIR technical studies identified intersection, pedestrian, and transit improvements necessary to mitigate transportation impacts associated with future growth. The final noise impact analysis documented the existing noise environment and developed noise model contours for key noise sources and roadways.
The General Plan Update was approved by the City Council and Planning Commission in November 2022 and can be viewed at the following link: